Written by Nicolette Truscott

Fine lines and wrinkles got you down? Desire to glow from the inside out? Need to redefine your relationship with the idea of beauty and love the skin you are in?

Fine lines, wrinkles and sagging are a natural part of aging, but one that can compromise our self-esteem and self-image. As a result, a growing number of people are turning to invasive techniques such as Botox, fillers and surgery in the quest for youthful skin. Cosmetic acupuncture has been gaining popularity in recent years as a natural alternative to lift, tone and brighten the skin.

Constitutional facial acupuncture takes the idea of cosmetic acupuncture to the next level. Constitutional facial acupuncture is a comprehensive, holistic experience which addresses both the superficial tissues of the face, as well as attending to the inner disharmonies of the body which can also reflect on the skin.

What is it used for?

Constitutional Facial Acupuncture is used to help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles as well as toning muscles and refreshing the skin. The following is a visual representation of the issues we address with this modality.


How does it work?

Although the exact mechanisms of cosmetic acupuncture are still being researched, it is hypothesised that local needling into fine lines causes ‘micro-traumas’ which then encourage collagen and elastin production in the local area.

Using acupuncture to treat the facial muscles themselves through motor points (where the nerve innervates the muscle) and other needling techniques can help to ‘reset’ these muscles in order to create more lift and tone throughout the face.

Local points in the face, facial mask using Chinese herbs and the use of jade rollers and ‘gua sha’ also encourage lymph and blood flow in the area to provide more radiance to the skin.

Additional body points are used to help to address other underlying issues specific to you and your constitution.


What to expect:

An intake form will be sent before treatment. The initial consultation will discuss your expectations and desires, current health status and determine what is of most interest to you personally.

Acupuncture treatment is then performed on the face to address the local issues as well as points on the body to support your overall health. Needles are retained in the body for 20-30 minutes in a peaceful environment to allow deep relaxation. The treatment is finished off with an astringing mask, moisturiser and a refreshing jade roller massage to cool the skin and leave you feeling refreshed and renewed.

Skin care products used in treatment utilise traditional Chinese herbal medicine to nourish and refresh the skin.

Diet and lifestyle advice will be given to you in order to support you in between your sessions.

How often is treatment recommended?
The effects are cumulative in nature, and therefore works more effectively in a series of sessions. You wouldn’t expect toned abs after one gym session, and the same is true of acupuncture.

Treatments are recommended as a series of 10-12 in order to maximise effect.

These sessions can also be offered as one-off sessions as maintenance or as a luxury to aid your self-care.

Not suitable for:

• Pregnant women - all your energy at this time should be reserved for developing baby.

• Severe migraine sufferers - as these treatments bring Qi and blood to the head, these treatments can potentially aggravate migraines for sufferers.  It is desirable for you to be migraine free for 3 months before cosmetic acupuncture treatments

• Within 3-6 months from Botox, cosmetic surgery or fillers, 3 weeks from laser resurfacing and 2 weeks after derma roller, chemical peels or microdermabrasion treatments.  Acupuncture soon after these interventions can undo the scaring caused, so it is best to wait until after the above-mentioned time frames.

Fine lines and wrinkles are the result of repetitive utilisation of facial muscles. In a way, they are a representation of the life you have lived. Many lines, such as ‘crow’s feet’, are a visual expression of the joys that you have experienced throughout your life and as such you may want to think twice before wanting to undo those!

As with all acupuncture treatments, our goal is to assist you be the most confident, energetic and vital version of yourself.

Introductory offer: Saving of $20 per session for the period of August 5th 2019 to September 30th 2019:

  • $130 initial appointment (normally $150 - allow up to 90mins)

    1. $110 return appointments (normally $130 - 60 mins)

Constitutional Facial Acupuncture is now offered by Nicolette at In Symmetry. To make a booking, please call the clinic on (03) 5429 3610 or book online here.


