
Written by Pia Laura Civitarese - Kinesiologist

Build your faith muscle,

Take your weather with you and shine from the inside


In this current climate I have been tapping into songs, movies, meditations, dancing, cleaning horse paddocks, sleep, cooking and whatever will bring me back to my centre and fire me into my creativity. 
Over the weekend I watched Under the Tuscan sun, a movie about a woman who purchases a rundown villa in Tuscany after a divorce. In a moment of self-doubt and frustration while renovating the villa,  her statement rings out -… “ I bought a house for a life I don’t even have, she questions why she is doing this and what possessed her to take such a leap. She soon realises “Because she was sick of being afraid all the time” and she wanted a new life and dreams, she wanted to live.
She also realises that even though she has felt her heart was mortally wounded, she survived it. Her confidence and self-belief had taken a beating yet here she was.
She is then told the story of how there is a seminary, high in the Italian alps that had train tracks built to connect it to Venice. The tracks had been laid well before the train that could possibly make the trip, had even been built.

If you feel life has brought you here, at this time, now.  Feeling maybe a little disoriented, not quite centered, reacting to the demands of daily life. Life has unplugged you from what you thought was important and what you believed was the foundation of your life.
You may feel shaken and agitated in the spin cycle of daily living. Your emotions are holding you captive and you feel reactive and just want to escape but feel what is the point. You wonder what has happened to that strong capable you.
You may have tried meditation and several things but feel like nothing is quite working right now.

With the work I do, I call it the Quantum Core Reset, where we allow your essence of who you are, that part of you that knows and allows all the possibilities to be made available to you.  We clean house of all the stuff that is stopping you so that you can begin to know and discern your true desires.  We look at:

  • Your Mind, Heart, Body are all on the same page

  • See if you on an upward, downward spiral or just going round in circles

  • Are your 4 pillars holding the foundation of your desire or are you on shaky ground

  • We look at your energy system and find what isn’t in harmony

  • We unearth the key sabotage programs that keep you stuck

  • And anything else that is throwing you off centre, constantly.


One of the main tools I use is Kinesiology which has many aspects. We dive deep into the language of the soul and subconscious and bring you back into balance to make choices from this higher vantage point. You move beyond the ground hog day of going round and round in circles.

You become solid in the foundation of your Quantum Core, your centre, with clear possibilities and choices. There is a positive shift in how you feel, think, and see your life.
Back to the beautiful Tuscan villa, at the end of the movie her friend points out that she has all the things that she asked for, all that she had been praying for. By preparing the house she allowed a place for her dream life to unfold into.
She did not have the whole picture, but she trusted the feelings, the next step.  There are times in our lives that demand we become present to the moment, to find the crystal clarity.  In knowing what we do not want we can understand what we do want. Then its about having the courage to follow through.

There is a time when you look back and see you have all that you asked for yet in the moment of doubt you could not even have fathomed what was possible.
It is my desire, to assist you to re-centre into yourself and to raise you above where you currently are so that you open to see possibilities you don’t even know are there yet.

I look forward to seeing your bright smiley face.

To find out more about Pia and Kinesiology follow this link to our website HERE


