Written by Hannah Sutton (Chinese Medicine Practitioner)

We lead busy modern lives, juggling multiple responsibilities.  We are often depleted, mentally over-stimulated and struggle to maintain healthy self-care practices.  Year after year of running the treadmill of our daily lives we begin to feel frustrated with our lives, resentful of our sacrifices, overly critical (towards ourselves and others) and our emotional/physical health starts to suffer.

We often struggle to seek support and instead reach for quick fix medication to swiftly correct problems such as pain, headaches, insomnia, stress/overwhelm, weight gain etc. to help us soldier on or get "back on track".  Certainly, there are many health conditions that do require pharmaceutical medication and careful monitoring by your GP.   However, I find that more and more people these days are on medications and still not flourishing in their lives.

Is it time for us to re-assess the way we perceive our health problems?

What if your discomfort is not actually a pathology, but a messenger from your body/mind asking you to pay attention to something deep within?

Ask yourself honestly, what is your health problem trying to tell you about your life?  What needs to change?  The chances are there are significant parts of ourselves that we have been hiding from or ignoring.  Environment has a huge impact on our health - work environment, home life, relationships, lifestyle practises, addictions etc.

The average middle-aged adult lives every day on autopilot.  Wake up, scroll through social media, go to the toilet, have a shower, get dressed, drink a cup of coffee, drive to work the same way, do the same things etc.  Hit repeat.  This routine of life becomes a program that we play over and over again.  We become stuck, uninspired, frustrated & miserable. 


Humans have an amazing creative energy - we are meant to follow our intuition and desires in life, have new experiences, expand and express ourselves.  If our environment, situation, or influential people in our lives continually obstruct the natural force of our creative energy it creates stagnation, discomfort and pain = DIS-EASE.

In a state of DIS-EASE we are neither sick or well, our health is affected in some way and our natural healing abilities are being hindered because it’s sending you a message that it wants you to change something.  THIS is when we should act and not wait for our health problems to reach a point where true “pathology” exists = DISEASE.

It is up to YOU to gently lean into this discomfort, to sit quietly and listen to your innermost voice.  What is it I really need?  What changes do I need to make in my life?  Is my current lifestyle in alignment with my highest values?  Am I living for myself or others?  Am I moving towards what makes my heart sing?   If not, why?  When we are living in alignment with our true authentic self we are in a state of EASE.  Our mind, body and spirit are being supported and the body can repair itself.

Change is scary and can be tough.  Most people wait for crisis, trauma, disease or a diagnosis to occur before making the leap.  They wait for loss or some tragedy to make up their mind to change. My message today is, why wait?   

If you are looking for help and support to assist you in making life changing health goals, at In Symmetry we have a team of 9 practitioners from a variety of fields under the one roof.  We invite you to come begin your positive and life changing health journey with us.


Hannah Sutton (Director @ In Symmetry, Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner)

* The information is not a substitute for medical advice. If you are struggling or need help, please reach out to your local GP, or trusted health professional. This article was written with the intention of providing support and to offer a new way of perceiving health conditions that affects us all.

If you would like to book an appointment at In Symmetry you can call the clinic on (03) 5429 3610 or book online by clicking the link below.




