
The idea of massage has long been associated with terms like ‘luxury’ and ‘indulgence’, and for many people is just something you do on holiday at a spa. The notion that massage is just for pampering yourself once a year when you get a gift certificate for your birthday is simply not true. Massage therapy has proven time and time again to help establish and maintain good health and wellness for people of all fitness levels and ages. Here are some great reasons to incorporate massage into your wellness plan on the regular!

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Massage can be preventative when it comes to avoiding injury and illness.

When our muscles and tissues are treated regularly, we have a better range of motion and mobility, our tendons and joints are under less pressure (through muscle tension) and this in turn reduces our likelihood of injury.

It boosts our immune system (via the lymphatic system) and oxygen levels through increased circulation, making you less likely to get sick.

Massage also encourages you to become aware of your body so you are more likely to pick up on little signs that something might not be right and allowing you to address issues early.

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Massage can help to support emotional regulation and improve our quality of sleep.

It reduces stress levels. High stress levels have been linked to an inability to regulate our moods, making it more likely for us to succumb to irritability, anxiety and depression.

Massage lowers our stress hormones (cortisol) which allows for an increase in serotonin and dopamine, which are our natural mood lifters. Serotonin is also required for Melatonin production which helps us fall asleep and sleep well. Just like stress, science has shown us time and time again that sleep deprivation plays a big part in enhancing negative moods.

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When we combine all the above information, we can also appreciate that massage is very effective at managing chronic pain. We are tackling inflammation, which helps to reduce pain symptoms. Improved sleep helps us to be more resilient in the face of pain by reducing fatigue and we also know that increased stress, tends to worsen pain symptoms over time, so by reducing stress we are reducing cortisol and allowing the body to rest and recover.

 As you can see there is more to massage than it just being a ‘birthday indulgence’, it can be a strong foundation for a healthy mind and body all year round!

If you would like to book an appointment with a Myotherapist please call our clinic on (03) 5429 3610 or book online by following the link below.



